Current VIPS logo on a transparent background.The Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) program provides support and resources for the MPD by utilizing citizens who wish to volunteer their time and skills to the City of Maricopa Police Department. The program's ultimate goal is to enhance the capacity of local law enforcement.

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Ways VIPS Serve the Community

Citizens on Patrol (COPs)

The COPs team acts as the eyes and ears for MPD while driving a police volunteer vehicle through the city. The two person team works a 4-hour shift in this observation-only role while they check houses on the vacation watch list, report parking violations and report observed suspicious activity to the police for follow-up.

Crisis Response and/or YANA

Specially trained crisis response volunteers relieve officers at scenes and assist victims by providing emotional support, resources, information, and referrals. Volunteers make weekly phone calls to citizens registered with the MPD's You Are Not Alone (YANA) program, and may make a home visit when requested by the MPD.

Park Patrol

A team of two volunteers patrols Pacana Park and the surrounding subdivision in a golf cart for a 2-hour shift, interacting with parents and children in the park as well as checking for graffiti, damaged property, or illegal activity, and reporting to dispatch.


These volunteers provide clerical support to various MPD departments. Interested volunteers may provide fingerprinting services for court-ordered defendants, city employees, or MPD volunteers.

Radar Speed Control

This team sets up Radar Speed Control devices at various locations throughout the city.

Fleet Management

This team is responsible for transporting MPD vehicles to/from local and/or Phoenix area businesses for repair, service, or equipment installation.

Graffiti Abatement

Responds to reports of graffiti and removes it promptly to keep Maricopa a graffiti-free city.